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News and changes to the online-constellation-board

On this page you are always at the very top! This is where we report on changes, innovations, campaigns and projects.

Here you will find important information that will facilitate, improve and expand your work with the online-Constellation-Board! Why don't you browse through a bit? Five minutes well spent!

If you have any questions and/or suggestions, we are - as always - very happy to help.
Just send an e-mail to and we'll be there for you!

Innovations in January 2025:

Connecting lines between figures

verbindungs lininen

The online system board is now even more versatile: you can now link pieces with connecting lines!

This function opens up completely new possibilities for visualising relationships, structures and dynamics. And the best thing is: with the help of little helpers as anchor points, you can draw lines freely across the board and thus design your visualisations individually.

What is new?

  • Versatile line options: Choose from 5 colours, thick or thin, solid or dashed - for maximum design freedom.
  • Dynamic adjustment: The connecting lines automatically adapt to every movement of the pieces on the board, always remaining clear and uncluttered.
  • Easy to use: lines can be edited or deleted at any time, allowing you to flexibly adapt the visualisation.

Relationships and connections not only become visible, but also dynamic and intuitively comprehensible.

Try it out and discover how this function takes your work with the online system board to a new level!

Display for observer mode/helicopter mode in the dashboard

anzeige dashboard

The dashboard is now even clearer! From now on you can see at a glance:

  • Whether a board is in observer mode,
  • and whether the helicopter view has been fixed.

This feature makes it easier to monitor the status of your boards and ensure that everything is set exactly as you need it - whether you're preparing a session or working live.

Surfaces with alignment (similar to ground anchors)

flächen mit ausrichtung

You can now give areas an alignment, similar to the floor anchors used in classic constellation work.

Although areas do not have an inside view, their alignment capability opens up exciting new ways of visualising dynamics and interactions.

We are already looking forward to seeing what creative applications develop from this innovation - let us know how you use it!


Freely selectable display language - now also in French!


You can now customise the display language of the online-Constellation -Board! Previously, the language was automatically linked to your browser settings (German, Spanish and English). French has now been added! You can now easily select the language in which your dashboard and board display is shown.

ATTENTION: The language in which the board is displayed to your clients still comes from the display language of your clients' browsers. It is therefore possible that although you have the board displayed in English, your two clients who are working on the board with you will have their boards displayed in French and German.

You can also specify the language for the newsletter so that you always receive the information that suits you - in the language of your choice.

This is how it works:

  1. Go to "My account" in the dashboard.
  2. Select your preferred display language there.
  3. Also set the language for the newsletter - and you're done!

This new feature makes working with the online system board even more convenient and personalised. We look forward to making your work easier!

Create figures directly on locked areas

rechtsklick auf gesperrter fläche

We have made working with templates even more convenient! You can now create figures directly on locked areas.

Previously, it was not possible to create an element directly at a specific position on a surface by right-clicking - this sometimes disrupted the flow when working with templates. Now it's very simple: lock the area and you can place figures or other elements exactly where you need them by clicking on them with the right mouse button.

This new feature provides more flexibility and makes working with complex templates or many surfaces in general even more intuitive.


New in October 2024:

Movable frames in the shape of triangles, rectangles, squares, and circles

Each available area can now be toggled with a single click to display only the outer frame. This allows for movable triangles, rectangles, squares, and circles to be shown as frames without filling. This adds even more possibilities for customizing the board—and additional ways to work with areas and lines alongside the client.

Movable Action Menu

When you click on an element, the action menu appears in the bottom-left window, allowing you to adjust various settings related to the element, such as its size.

However, the action menu can sometimes get in the way, blocking a clear view of the board or hindering element selection. We’ve updated this menu so it can now be moved anywhere. Simply click the two small lines at the top of the action menu and drag it to a new position while holding the mouse button.

New Colors for Dividers

The helpful dividers in the 'Helpers' category are now available in brown and black, offering even more diverse use options!

Optimized Directional Arrows

To ensure clear readability of directional arrows on all figures, we’ve adjusted the colors. Now, the orientation is also clear on metallic colors like gold and silver.

Locked elements cannot be deleted.

The "Lock Elements" function ensures that elements cannot be modified. This is helpful for layout formats or when particularly important elements or areas need to remain fixed in place.

Newly added is that locked elements can now also not be deleted until they are unlocked.

Tip: The "Clear Board" function still works as usual. When used, you will be asked whether only unlocked elements or all elements should be removed from the board.

Side-by-Side Area Creation

When creating areas via the menu, they are now placed side-by-side rather than all stacked in the center of the board as before. This prevents confusion over where the newly created area is located.

Optimized Purchase Process and Account Information

The "Account" section in the dashboard has been optimized, making the required information even clearer and allowing you to complete desired processes with greater ease. We would be very happy to hear your feedback on this!

New features June 2024:

New mode for concealed working

In the "Control process" tab in the Coach menu, you will now find a new, very powerful function: Stealth mode.

If you activate it, only the FIRST character of the figure and area names will be displayed. This is a great way to prepare and carry out a hidden constellation: For example, name the figures "A focus", "B target", "C obstacle" and so on. If you now activate stealth mode, only "A", "B" and "C" will be displayed.

At the end of the constellation (or at the appropriate time), simply switch off stealth mode to clear it - and all names will be displayed in full again.

Of course, you cannot rename figures/areas during stealth mode - but you can create additional new figures/areas at any time.

Alignment aid when turning in Inside view

Directions of view are extremely important when working with the board - and even small deviations from direct eye contact between pieces are often significant.

There is now a valuable aid to help you align pieces even more accurately and easily! If you are in the Inside view of a figure and rotate the figure with the RIGHT mouse button - a discreet line now appears in the centre of the screen. If you place this figure exactly in the centre of the opposite figure, you can look directly at it!

Try it out now!

Resizing your own figure from the inside

Another fantastic new feature: From now on, when you are inside the view of a figure, you can change the size of your OWN figure directly - without having to leave the Inside view. How do you do that? Quite simply - via the menu in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen!

Rotating figures on the viewing angle indicator

We've made a big change to how we turn figures. Lots of our lovely clients and newcomers found it tricky to align the figures with the angle indicator. So, we've made it easier for you! You can now rotate all elements by sliding the viewpoint indicator around the figure. This is much more intuitive than rotating it in a straight line by holding down the mouse button.

We know it might take a little getting used to if you're used to doing it a different way, but we promise your clients will find it much easier!

We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Combined angle of view indicator and rotating ring

To make it even easier to rotate figures, we have adapted the design of the viewpoint indicator. You now ALWAYS have a ring around the entire figure that you can use to rotate it.

This makes it easy to turn a figure even when it is "turning its back" on you.

Areas transparent and in size 4 as standard

Transparent figures offer a multitude of new possibilities and are now used soooo much more often than the classic coloured areas. We have therefore decided to make the surfaces automatically transparent when they are created. And of course you can change the surface back to non-transparent at any time.

In addition, surfaces are now created in size 4 by default - just like the figures. As you know, you can change the default size of surfaces, figures and elements in the coach menu!

In addition, areas are now created in the centre of the board when they are created using the "Areas" button or the A (Area) button.

Slider enlarged

The slider for rotating figures, surfaces and elements has now 'grown' a little so that you can also use it well on a smaller screen.

Improvements to 'Share board'

If you want to send a board to other online system board users, there are also three improvements here:

  • The system checks whether you are trying to send the board to a valid account registered with online-Systembrett. If you have mistyped the e-mail address, an error message will be displayed.
  • If you receive a board from someone else, the "Meta information" field (in the description of the board) will always show who gave you this board in future. This ensures that the origin of a board is always clear and you can simply ask if you need clarification.
  • Boards that have a small preview image and are sent to you take this preview image with them on their journey to you, so that you immediately get an idea of what is being sent to you.

New features in March!

Adjustable standard size

Sometimes so many elements have to fit on the board that it gets quite cramped. It would be practical if you didn't have to reduce the size of each piece first.

And sometimes you simply need a lot of areas or little helpers in a very specific size.

To simplify the processes here as much as possible, you can now easily set the size in which areas or figures are to be created via the coach menu in the 'manage process'-Tab.

And perhaps you have other ideas about what you could 'do' with this function. We would be happy to discuss your ideas with you!

Additional standard background colours

You can now set any background colour you like if you want to (see "Secret function for any background colour"). And quite often you simply don't want to bother with such details. So it's great that we now offer you a few more standard colours for your background.

And if you can't find anything suitable: simply create a template board with your 'favourite background colour' and duplicate it at any time if required!

Labels optimised

he names we use for the elements on the board are important. That's why it was also important for us to revise the signs for the figures and helpers as well as the labelling of the areas.

With a few small adjustments, we have now created a solution that ensures that the signs are better assigned even on very full boards and that the areas can be optimally labelled.

Area colours adapted

We weren't quite happy with the colours of some of the surfaces. Too little contrast to the board or to other colours limited their usefulness in some cases. So that you can now really use all the surface colours as you wish, we have readjusted the colour tones for some colours. For an even more varied colour palette and always the right colour.

Let us know which functions you are still missing and what you still need!

Innovations February 2024:

Stacking order of areas can now be changed as required

The areas can now be stacked in any order. They are created one above the other when they are created. And with the right mouse button (context menu) you can simply send the areas all the way up or all the way down.

This makes you even more flexible when designing templates and standard formats!

Transparent figures

Transparent figures offer a multitude of new possibilities:

  • Disguised? Veiled? Concealed? Mixed up?
  • Take the 'weight' off elements
  • Seeing what is 'behind'
  • Make 'spirits' visible
  • Making visible what the 'innermost core' is

YOU and your clients are sure to come up with even more!

Transparent helpers

<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Of course, all helpers can also become transparent. This is particularly interesting for blockades/partition walls.</p>

Transparent areas

The new transparent areas offer two advantages. Not only can the 'intersections' now be made visible using transparent areas. The surface colour can be varied in many ways by arranging transparent areas over other coloured transparent or full-colour areas.

Coach switches labels for all

From now on, the coach will take over the fading in and out of name tags. One less thing for the client to worry about.

Areas and figure-labels can be switched separately

The nametags can now also be switched separately - depending on whether you only want to switch the surface labelling or the nametags of figures and helpers. And of course you can still switch all signs on or off at once.The nametags can now also be switched separately - depending on whether you only want to switch the surface labelling or the nametags of figures and helpers. And of course you can still switch all signs on or off at once.

Snap-in points for precise rotation of all elements

The slider for rotating figures, areas and helpers has now been given 'snap-in points'. Simply click and the element is rotated by 45/90/135 or 180 degrees in one direction or the other. This means that it is now also possible to rotate a figure by 180 degrees in the process - with a single mouse click.

Move multiple elements together

You can now move a group of elements together to a new location! Simply hold down the CTRL key (the control key on Apple devices) and click on the desired figures one after the other and move them (together) while still holding down the key. Just give it a try!

Helper in figure colours

As requested, the little helpers are now also available in all figure colours (except gold/silver). This means that there is now not only a matching area for each figure, but also the matching little helpers.

Selectable starting directions of the figures

Especially for the constellators among you, we have now finally created the option of creating the figures with the direction of view towards the centre of the board again. Simply flip the corresponding switch in the process tab of the coach menu - and off you go!

Board lines in own coach menu tab

The board lines have been moved to their own menu, so that everything remains great and clear and space has been created for new functions in the process tab.

Boards set to 'Released' by default

Another optimisation of the processes that we have implemented: If you now create a new board, you don't have to switch it to 'Shared' first. As long as nobody has the board link and password, nobody can access the board anyway. So that's one less step to think about when working with clients.

'Secret function' for any background colour

We thought long and hard about which background colours we should offer you when the room is hidden. Now we've found the solution: Simply choose the colour that suits you! Simply tick the colour you selected first in the selection field - and choose the colour you want.

Minor visual optimisations

The menus have all been made a little clearer and more organised. Roundings are now a little rounder and minor display errors have been corrected by optimised display sequences. Thanks to the many little helper colours, the divider is now BEFORE the cubes in the menu so that it doesn't have to be searched for so long. And we have also simply corrected everything else that was not or no longer coherent for us.

2024 brings many improvements and new functions right from the start.

New dashboard-design

The look and feel of the Coach interface and dashboard has not only been adapted in terms of colour. After a short period of familiarisation, we're sure you'll agree with us - everything is now much clearer and more logically arranged. All buttons are labelled with clear icons as well as text, so there's no more guessing what each button does.

Another small improvement: The number of boards saved in your dashboard is now displayed at the top left of your dashboard next to "My boards".

Board preview images on the dashboard

You will now see a preview image in the dashboard when you take a screenshot of the board. The last screenshot taken is always used for the preview. This means you can find the desired session or template even faster!

ATTENTION: The preview image is only updated when you refresh the browser in your dashboard. Such a "reload" is generated in most browsers with "F5" or "Ctrl+R".

Name prompt when creating elements

As we consider the naming of elements to be very important, we have changed the figure creation process slightly. After selecting an element, you are now automatically asked for the name. If an element is not to be given a name, you can simply skip the entry by pressing the Enter key or clicking on the 'Next' button. Why not give it a try!

And if you don't like this new process at all, you can of course switch the setting off again via the coach menu, in which case the process will work as usual. Please give the new version a chance, even if it's unfamiliar at first - and let us know what you think!

New features for the area sizes

Areas are increasingly becoming a central point when working with the online-Constellation-Board. Reason enough for us to devote our full attention to the areas!

  • From now on, even more sizes are available for all areas - making design even more flexible and easier. Instead of just 9, you can now choose between 21 surface sizes for every need.
  • We have also significantly increased the maximum size of the areas. There are now areas that are as large as the entire board.
  • We have also synchronised the surface sizes between the individual sizes and the different surface types.

Triangles as surfacesas areas

Long wished for, now they are finally here: Equilateral triangles are now also available as areas.

Redesign area selection

So that everything remains simple and clear, the areas have been moved from the helpers to their own menu. And of course, you can now also switch areas and/or helpers on or off separately via the coach menu - just like special figures. This means you can always offer your clients exactly what the process needs.

More colours for little helpers

And while we're on the subject of little helpers: These are now available in EVEN more colours, so that there is even more choice and you can always choose the right object.

Colour display in preview improved

We have also optimised the selection menus for the colour preview so that the colour in the preview now corresponds exactly to the actual colour on the board. However, due to different lighting on the board, a small deviation will always be possible.

Improved selection of ring

We have also improved the rings. They are now even easier to select and place precisely.

Oktahedron - now with inside-view

The octahedron has always been something very special. To make it even more versatile, it now also has an orientation and therefore an Inside view on request. In order not to disturb the great effect of this figure, the orientation is only marked by a fine black line - which is nevertheless clearly visible, even from a helicopter perspective.

ALL elements lockable

Especially with complex templates and elaborate scenarios, figures have often been moved by mistake in the past. You can now remedy this! Not only the areas, but also all figures and helpers can now be locked by the coach and, of course, unlocked again at any time. All locked figures, areas and helpers are retained when the board is deleted if desired. This function can therefore also be utilised wonderfully in process design. And so that you can see at a glance whether the selected element is locked or not, the 'Unlock' menu item is now highlighted in black when you right-click on the element. We try to think of everything!

Better arranged coach menu

The Coach menu has also been revised so that you can easily find your way around even more functions. Everything is now a little leaner and clearer. We hope you like it!

Increased number of board lines

As the board templates are becoming more and more varied, we have decided to increase the number of possible circles, squares and board lines horizontally and vertically. Now you should also have sufficient options when displaying a complex matrix.

Room furniture can be hidden

Another new function that many have been waiting for: From now on, you can not only switch the entire 3D room on and off, you can also use it with or without furniture as you wish. This means that nothing distracts you from the board in the 3D room - and the feeling of being in a practice room remains. The elements that are often valuable in coaching, such as the window or the door, also remain.

We will gradually introduce you to all the new functions and their possible uses in our newsletter. So if you haven't subscribed to it yet - now is a really good opportunity!

And another two new functions for all our customers:

Improved name display

The name of the currently selected figure is now always clearly displayed in the centre at the bottom of the screen. This makes it even easier to keep an overview - even when the name tags are switched off and in the Inside view.

Sending sessions

We have given the online-Constellation-Board an ingenious new function.

It is now possible to copy sessions from one account to another! The prerequisite for this is that both the "sender" and the "recipient" have an online-Constellation-Board account. The application possibilities are huge! Here are just a few small examples:

Coach A develops a super great template for a specific coaching session and sends this template to his colleague Coach B for her next coaching session
Seminar leader C prepares her next coaching or supervision seminar. She creates archetypal constellations and sends them to all seminar participants
Coach D seeks advice and supervision from a colleague. He not only sends screenshots but also the original board of the session with the client to the colleague so that she can get a much better picture for herself
In a company that offers coaching, a client is "handed over" from Coach E to Coach F because Coach F is more familiar with the basic subject matter. Coach E transfers the sessions to Coach F so that he can continue with the client without interruption

As I said - just a few possible applications of the new function

Ingenious, isn't it?

And again there are some adjustments and optimisations! These are the highlights:

  • Surfaces can now be locked - simply select the corresponding option in the action menu (right mouse button on figure) to lock or unlock. This way you can no longer move them unintentionally and if you wish they remain when you empty the board. This is particularly helpful if you want to divide the board into different areas with the help of the surfaces - and create a template for this.
  • Moving in the inner view is switchable by the coach. Since some clients are overwhelmed with this functionality, we have now made it switchable as well. Turning and looking around with the left or right mouse button is still available even when the function is switched off. Another advantage is that the buttons in the interior view are hidden and the view is now even better.
  • Figure types deactivated by the coach (special figures, helpers) are hidden. This way, they can still be introduced and used at the appropriate point in the process - but do not cause irritation for the client at the beginning if displayed options cannot be selected.

This has made working with the online-constellation-board a little easier and more intuitive again..... We are looking forward to your feedback!

The year 2022 brings the most far-reaching improvements since the first release of the online-Constellation-Board!

General news

We are embarking on a fundamental reorganisation and equipping the coach with significantly more creative options. In future, he/she will be able to shape the counselling process even more precisely and offer the atmosphere, the board and the range of figures and elements at exactly the right moment and in exactly the right way. To ensure that the setting is the same for all participants when working with families, groups and teams, the coach can set some basic environmental variables for everyone, which he/she can change at ANY TIME - even while working together on the board.

Board settings that the coach can now set for everyone in the room:

  • Choice of background (3D or monochrome)
  • If background is monochrome: Colour of the background
  • Availability of special figures
  • Availability of the extended toolbox (little helpers)
  • Lines on the board
  • Texture of the board
  • Fix helicopter view for all (working in 2D mode)

ATTENTION: The "Background on/off" button has been removed from the main screen for both Coach and Coachee. Coachee no longer has the option to show and hide the background individually. This is now controlled and set centrally by Coach - also in consultation with all those present at the board. These controls are now in the Coach menu, in the "Board settings" tab, which can be opened via the button at the bottom right of the main window.

Although the new 3D room more than lives up to the trend of the times, we still believe that the maximum power of the online-Constellation-Board lies in the reduction to the essentials, working with essences. That is why we have greatly expanded the selection of possible background colours.

News on the board

  • Create pieces anywhere on the board
    This is how it works: Right-click anywhere on the board and select the desired figure from the context menu
  • The new little helper menu: A whole treasure trove of new pieces and helpers
    This is how it works: Click on the "Helpers" button on the left of the main window and select a category or element

    • Glass marbles
    • Wall elements
    • Rings
  • Inscribable surfaces in various sizes and colours (in the "Helpers" menu)
  • Whether or not the little helpers and/or special figures are offered can be customised in the Coach menu
    This is how it works: Click on the "Coach menu" button at the bottom right of the main window. Then click on the "Control process" button at the top right. Set the slide switch for "Helpers" or "Special figures" to red or green.
  • New special figure "Octahedron" in gold and silver
    • "Standard figures" now in gold and silver
      • Cones in gold and silver
      • Rollers in gold and silver
      • Cuboid in gold and silver
    • More than one of the special figures can now be created
    • The wizard is now adjustable in size
    • Easy duplication of figures via context menu
      This is how it works: Right-click on a figure and select "Copy figure" in the context menu
    • Improved meta position
      (Now the nameplate of a figure is hidden while you are inside the figure's meta position)
    • Even more figure colours to choose from (turquoise, purple)

Erweiterte Funktionen im Coachmenü:

  • Many different lines possible on the board (circles, squares, diagonals, normals)
    This is how it works: Click on the "Coach menu" button at the bottom right of the main window. Then click on the "Control process" button at the top right. Switch on the desired line type/shape with the slide switch (red-green) and arrange it on the board with the slide control
  • Special figures and helpers can be switched on separately
    This is how it works: Click on the "Coach menu" button at the bottom right of the main window. Then click on the "Control process" button at the top right. Set the slide switch for "Helpers" or "Special figures" to red or green.
  • New 3D room and background colour can now be selected when the 3D room is switched off
    This is how it works: Click on the "Coach menu" button at the bottom right of the main window. Then click on the "Board settings" button at the top right. If the slide switch for "Background" is set to red and the single-colour background is therefore displayed, select the colour of the background by clicking on the corresponding colour field.

SO THAT YOU NEVER MISS ANYTHING: Subscribe to our newsletter and you will always be up to date, because our newsletter subscribers receive some information much earlier than everyone else...

... and again we have made some small improvements!

  • Special figures are now switchable by coach
    The online system board is now fully executable on tablets
  • We have adjusted the sizes of the dice
  • The font of the nameplates has become even better

And again we have implemented some suggestions from our customers:

  • New special figures (dices)  now available
  • Board also available in Spanish
  • Watch this now available in the inside view 
  • Background and name tags can also be switched on/off in the inside view
  • The last settings are automatically saved for the coach per board
  • Creating a screenshot is now even easier - simply press the S button.
  • Possibility to copy boards in the dashboard - this allows templates to be created as well as intermediate statuses to be saved at any time!

!!! Subscribe to our newsletter and always stay up to date!!!

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The new release is here: Here's what's new in July!

And again we have come up with some innovations for you! Here is a first brief overview:

  • Improved search in the dashboard
  • Subdivision of the coach menu into participant, process and board control with
    new functions for the coach:
    ⮚Helicopter view from the coach fixable for all.
    ⮚Board line switchable
    ⮚Clear board completely
    ⮚Two different board textures selectable
  • New character Wichtel (free element) now available
  • Additional standard view: meta position in context menu
  • Figure depot optimised again in preparation for further figures and colours
  • Display of (hidden) name tags with right click
  • Zooming in and out possible in the inside view
  • Save screenshots with one click

News from May: We have listened to you well!

The latest version of the online-constellation-board brings a host of innovations to all areas of the user experience. Some of them are groundbreaking changes. We have highlighted them in particular.

If you have any questions and/or suggestions, we are - as always - very happy to help.
Just send an email at and we'll be on the spot!

Extended functions in the coach menu:

  • „Coach window" and "client window" = different views for coaches and clients.
  • In the coach window: explicit coach menu for process and board control for coaches
  • "Exit" button to leave the session
  • Multi-line name tags enabled
  • Permanent display of all people present in the room
  • Resizing and standard views have been animated
  • Talking images as icons
  • New, optimised surface design
  • New, still much more generic coaching space
  • Stability, loading speed and browser compatibility greatly improved

Extended functions in the coach menu:

  • Faces on figures activatable(figures without faces have no inside view)
  • figur directly modifiable
    – form
    – colour
    – face on/off
  • Nine instead of five figure sizes selectable
  • New figure depot with multi-level selection - in preparation for more figures and colours
  • Viewing angle indicator for each figure
  • Redesign of texture and appearance of board and figures
  • Zooming in and out of the board refined
  • Multi-user mode: figures move continuously and in real time with everyone present

Extended functions in the coach menu:

  • Inside view: separate functions for
    just look around
    turn itself
    ! move in the figure on the board !
  • "Look" function can be rejected
  • Context menu for every figure:
    – rename figure
    – inside view
    – change figure
    – "say goodbye" to a figure
  • New standard view "Helicopter" takes the board to its zenith
  • New coach function: put all or individual attendees in observation mode
  • Figures can be rotated directly on the angle of view indicator
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