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Metaposition of a figure

The online system board now has one more “standard view”.

Besides the “standard view” (in which the board is shown from “diagonally in front”) and the extremely helpful “helicopter view” (in which the board is viewed from the zenith), there is now another preset basic view: the meta position. It shows the board from a view from diagonally above behind the “head” of a figure.

How is that different from the famous inside view?

  • The internal view shows the board from the eyes of the figure – thus the figure itself is not seen. gain and again we have noticed that in some cases it is not easy for some clients to locate themselves in the inner view in the 3-dimensional space – to sense where and how they are currently standing in connection with the other figures on the board. This disappears quite quickly, but nevertheless the online-constellation-board must support consultants in picking up ALL clients!
  • The metaposition is a quickly generated view of the board, and thus freely zoomable. The proximity – and distance – to the board can be selected in a very wide range.
  • For clients who are not yet so experienced with constellations, the phenomenon of represented perception is not always so easy to grasp. Through a multi-step process it is made easier for clients to use this so valuable aspect of constellation work in an even more low-threshold way. On the way into the “represented perception” the step sequence 1.) metaposition (client is introduced to the represented perception of the figure) 2.) inner view (client is asked for perceptions in the whole spectrum of the figure) is extremely helpful for the process.

Of course, the assumption of the meta position of a figure is animated in order not to cause a break in the viewer’s association with the board. But that’s obvious for a professional tool anyway…

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