The team behind the online-Constellation-Board
We are convinced that the online-Constellation-Board is a helpful tool for mapping increasingly complex environments and ever faster changes. That's why we use it constantly in our everyday work. And we are constantly developing it further: from practice - for practice.
We are convinced that good communication and an appreciative attitude are the basis of every relationship - both within the team and with our customers. We appreciate all the valuable ideas, contributions and encouragement from our online-Constellation-Board community.
It is important to us not only to be available, but also to listen carefully to all questions, requests and suggestions!
So: how can we support you? Please just get in touch!
Georg Breiner
The driving force behind the online Constellation Board, an innovative and exciting development in the world of business coaching. With several hundred Constellation Board constellations under his belt, he is a master at what he does. He is also an experienced business coach, a consultant with the Constellation Board, a long-standing trainer and an internationally esteemed lecturer.
The direct line: +43 676 390 2900
Susanne Kogler
Head of online-Constellation-Board support and angel of the community. An experienced counsellor who is always in a good mood and full of new ideas. In the German startup trainings she conveys her honest enthusiasm for the online-Constellation-Board - which she knows how to handle masterfully in every situation.
The direct line: +43 676 78 023 78
Susi Wild
The 'other' Susanne: the good humour is shared, but Susi does everything that Susanne doesn't like at all. Not just accepting the abbreviation of her name - but also bookkeeping.
Renee Grabner
Task juggler, counsellor and social media coordinator, she supports the team here and there and connects it with customers and the outside world.
Miroslav Dzunda
Bravely fights his way through the daily mail jungle and makes sure that all accesses work reliably. And in between, he lives out his passion for Excel spreadsheets.
Annika Ullrich
Not only brilliant consultant, with her management experience and marketing knowledge a great asset to the team!